As had been the case throughout the summer, the weather forecast for the bank holiday weekend of 23rd to the 26th of August was unpredictable and generally pessimistic. However, Steve M and Dave M defied the odds and went north to the vicinity of Braemar and the Linn of Dee to gather up the remaining elusive Munro's that had escaped Steve's previous forays into the area.
The roads were relatively clear for the journey north. A brief stop was made in Braemar for excellent fish and chips at the 'Plaice to Be' and then we headed along to the Linn of Dee car park. It was a calm, pleasant evening but the midges weren't biting too much. Steve slept in his van, Dave in his tent although the Park Ranger took exception to the proximity of the tent to the car park and left a polite note requesting that it be moved to near to the river.

On Saturday morning before 8 o'clock we were on our mountain bikes heading up Glen Lui to Derry Lodge. The midges had an appetite this morning so we didn't delay our departure. The bikes were left at Derry Lodge and the path continued up Glen Derry for another 5Km before the steep, direct ascent of Beinn a Chaorainn. Showers were making their presence felt as we reached the summit but conditions were good and remained so for the rest of the day.

We descended south from the first summit to head across to the second Munro, Beinn Bhreac. It was easy walking with little little descent or climbing between and with plenty of shelter available from the wind gave a good opportunity for lunch.

The descent to Derry Lodge was mostly on good paths and we made good time. The return leg down Glen Lui to the Linn of Dee car park on our bikes was a pleasure, so much better than walking. Back at the van we loaded up the bikes and made our way to Braemar Hostel. The hostel had recently been refurbished. It was in very good order, very clean and smelling of fresh paint. Steve couldn't help himself and took a keen interest in the quality of the workmanship.
The weekend wasn't all about climbing Munro's. Braemar proved to be a busy and hospitable town so we didn't bother to cook for ourselves and enjoyed two very good nights eating out at the Fife Arms on Saturday and at Farquharson's on Sunday. Plenty of quality time in a good place to sort out the next days route planning and learning how a Garmin watch can work for you as well as putting the problems of the world to rest.

Sunday morning was another prompt start, mountain biking from the hostel to the bothy at Lochcallater Lodge where we left our bikes. The weather had deteriorated but was not as bad as expected. Our route took us along and up Jock's Road which was, for the most part, a good path. However, in the cloud where it ascended towards point 883 it became very vague and more so in the boggy area where the gradient eased. For the unwary and in poor visibility this could be a navigational nightmare especially when heading northwest.

After leaving what was supposed to be Jock's Road we found the summits of Tolmount and Tom Buidhe in cloud and rain. As the day before, there was little altitude change between the two summits so the going was relatively easy on the legs. Our route was retraced for descent and we spent a little time exploring the possible route of Jock's Road. Best option is to be prepared not to find it.

Monday was a single Munro day. Starting at Inverey we made a long bike ride into Altanour Lodge in Glen Ey. Our bikes were left just beyond the ruin and followed the path in a clockwise arc to the summit of Carn Bhac. There had been a lot of rain so the path, although easy to follow, was boggy in many places and as we ascended the weather deteriorated which was contrary to the forecast.

We found the summit, or three, didn't hang around and quickly descended to where we left our bikes. From there another very pleasant cycle down the glen had us back at the van by about 1pm. A quick change into dry clothes and in no time we were on our way south for home.
The weekend was another total success. All planned Munro's were achieved, the mountain bikes were a real treat and the weather was better than expected in most cases. Braemar Hostel was great and the location for a sociable walking venue is highly recommended. Thanks Steve for a great weekend. Look forward to the next one.

Dave M