Prospective Members

York Mountaineering club welcomes new members who are over 18 years of age, but please note the BMC participation statement above which applies to our activities.

You may have great experience and knowledge of some or all mountain based activities or you may have none.   However, whilst we are keen to encourage and support we are not a service provider and will not offer formal training to beginners.  We can advise on where suitable training may be available and steer members towards appropriate organisations for skills training in any mountain activity.   Most people who join are not totally without experience.  For example, those with previous hill walking or indoor climbing experience and keen to progress will find plenty of opportunities to get out with other club members and develop skills and knowledge through participation.  Alternatively you may be well qualified and experienced in mountaineering activities and the club will facilitate contact with other members of a similar standard to help you take your chosen sport even further.

Overall our aim is to help and encourage participation in the activities we love so if you think you would enjoy being part of our club environment please contact us and we will advise on where to start, discuss whether it is right for you, and how best to join in.

Prospective new members may join in our activities for a trial period (up to 3 months) after completing the membership form.  The completed form ensures that yourself and the club are insured.  During the three month period you will be able to meet club members and decide if we are the right club for you.  No membership fee is payable until the three month period is complete.

The BMC provides excellent guidance about clubs, membership and equipment via the following link:

We aim to be a friendly inclusive club so thank you for reading this far and we look forward to hearing from you.

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